Do you want to improve examination performance of students in your school?

Call now & find out how GROAcademy can help your school improve
Examination scores today!

Get the help your student needs.

Help Your Students Realize Their Potential

At GROAcademy we are here to help your students achieve more academically, improve their examination scores and access scholarships and top Universities all over the world . With state-of-the art online learning tools and a team of highly trained teachers of over 20 years experience

With GROA you  get: 

  • Comprehensive learning resources  
  • Live Online Classes  
  • Dedicated team 
  • Video lessons taught by experts 
  • Individual and group progress tracking 
  • Down load the GROAcademy app for 24/7 resources 
  • One on One Classes available (Physical & Online)  
  • And much more … 

On an average in the last 20 years, 30% of our students achieve top 1% scores which is incredibly high when compared to other schools. An excellent digital curriculum, exemplary teachers and resources made this possible. 

We thought it is time to reach out to schools and help you to achieve your best scores. Contact us for one or more of the following programs: 

Led by EXAM prep experts

All of GROAcademy teachers are extensively trained with over 20 years experience in teaching students


Online and in-person classes both cover subject matter on all examinations including general test prep tips and essay strategies.


No matter where they are, students can attend an online prep class, study from their own home and get personalized help from our top teachers through email and whatsapp support.


Class Sizes

Recommend 15 – 30 students but can accommodate more.

Average Course Length

1-3 months


Classes are held Fridays – Sundays to allow students attend


Classes meet online in a virtual classroom. Students can see the instructor and see all writing on the virtual whiteboard.

Instructor Interaction

Students can participate by asking questions via microphone or text chat. Courses are recorded for viewing at any time.

Technical Requirements

Internet connection from any computer, tablet or smartphone

Have questions, let us help!

We'd love to help get your students started with our examination preparation. We can schedule a visit to discuss with you what we can offer your students Once you submit the form, we will contact you

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 Have questions, let us help!
